All requests for funding, donation or in kind from GSK Vaccines should be submitted via this online application and grant management portal and follow a three main steps
Request phase: The requesting organization will first create their account and submit their request online (high-level information fields to be completed about the organization and the activity for which support is requested). After a pre-screening phase at GSK level, the organization will receive a dossier number, the name of the GSK contact who will follow-up the dossier, and information on the next steps.
Review and decision phase: The organization will be asked to upload the “Form I” (more detailed information about the organization, the activity and the grant itself), along with supportive documentation. The dossier will be completed by the “Form II” at GSK level before the Grants, Sponsorships and Donations Committee (GDSC) reviews the request and makes the final decision. In case of approval, the agreement will be drafted with GSK’s Legal Department, signed by all the parties and uploaded in the portal before actual payment or donation can take place. Any further amendment will be uploaded in the portal as well.
Post activity phase: The organization will upload in the portal GSK, within 12 weeks after the end of the activity, their “post activity and financial statement” report. This report is important as it will be taken into account when other requests submitted by the organization are reviewed in the future. Depending on the duration of the activity, interim reports can be asked before considering the next milestone payment. If a GSK representative participated in the event, his/her feedback report will be considered as well. The dossier will be closed once all the documents and reports are compliant.
GSK Vaccines can provide financial support or donation for requests that meet the following criteria:
- GSK support is in response to an unsolicited request from an external organization (exception: GSK initiatives and Corporate memberships requested by GSK Business).
- GSK is not involved (hands-off) in the organization of the supported event / activity (including the program design, selection of participants, speakers, etc.)
- There is no return for GSK, or only indirect, marginal or incidental benefits.
- The Requesting Organization must be an established non-profit Requesting Organization (exception: support to Independent Medical Education programs may be granted to for-profit Requesting Organization).
- Grants and donations are not given to individuals (exception: some specific cases of fellowships or scholarships, in response to requests from independent organizations, with a valid selection process in place).
- The Requesting Organization must be officially registered in its country and have a bank account in its own name for the payment of the funding.
- The total cumulative amounts of GSK funding (including funding provided outside of GDSC area) cannot exceed 25% of the Requesting Organization’s total revenue in a calendar year.
- The requested support must be permissible under local laws and regulations as well as under local GSK policies.
- The unsolicited request letter / email / online request form from the Requesting Organization must be submitted to GSK at least 50 working days (WD) prior to an event or launch date and the complete dossier must be submitted to GDSC by the Business Owner as soon as possible, considering that the agreement must be signed before the event starts.
Ineligible recipients:
- An individual.
- An organization that is an alter ego of a particular individual, such as a personal services corporation or a charitable foundation in which that individual or an immediate family member has an instrumental role in the management or leadership.
- An organization through which healthcare practitioners come together to administer their medical practices (e.g., a medical staff or faculty practice association).
- An organization or department which is assessed to have a conflict of interest that cannot be adequately managed.
- An affiliate or alter ego of an ineligible recipient.
- An organization that is reasonably believed to be positioned to act as a “pass through” organization for provision of resources to an otherwise ineligible recipient.
- Political candidates, campaigns, or parties.
- An organization on which a GSK employee is serving in a board role or other position of influence unless its activities are not of a clinical nature and do not have the potential to impact patient treatment or guidelines (the applicable Grants and Donations Committee may approve an exception to this prohibition in circumstances when, in its judgment, the funding would provide a significant benefit to the medical or scientific community or to patients and would not pose an undue reputational risk to GSK).
- General charitable contributions and charitable fundraisers (this is not limited to medical related events or charities)
- Community Partnership Programs
- General support and core funding (e.g. healthcare organizations, charities)
- Product donations (vaccines), including those subjects to the Human Products Donations and Emergency Response policy and SOP
- Non-product donations, including, but not limited to, IT, manufacturing, scientific, and analytical laboratory equipment or materials, subject to the respective business unit or functional SOPs
- Contributions to enable community health screening, prevention, and education programs ,including health and disease awareness
- Funding of fellowships, scholarships, and academic university chairs in response to requests from independent organizations, where GSK receives no benefit or privilege in return
- Patient Advocacy Programs. These include grants or donations to Patient Organizations, Patient Advocacy Groups or Patient Groups
- Corporate Memberships in an eligible organization such as professional and scientific societies. NOTE: PPG (Public Policy Group) memberships are under a specific governance and process
- Grants related to Independent Medical Education (IME). Funding of IME is always considered a grant
- Activities including or taking place at luxurious venues or venues that can be considered as such in GDSC’s and LOC’s judgment
- Entertainment or social activities that may be part of a congress or other event
- Provision of free goods or other assets made in the context of a commercial or R&D transaction (e.g., GSK products provided as free goods, Patient Assistance Program, medical samples or product replacement, equipment, services, and other assets for capacity building)
- Funding of Medical Congresses where GSK receives a significant benefit in return
- Political contributions
- Orange Day activities, Pulse and other employee volunteering activities, unless they include a grant by GSK to the non-profit partners
- Compassionate use
- Supported research studies
- Human subject research
- Importation of medicines into a country where it is unlicensed but has had approval in the US or the European Union
Monetary support to an organization that relies on community contributions, where the purpose is to benefit the public or the community through activities and community support devoted to the assistance of those in need (e.g. funding aimed at supporting institutions that help low-income, disabled or sick people to get housing, social living, education, etc.)
Monetary contribution to an organization’s general operational costs (not an event), in general throughout a calendar year or a defined period of time.
Financial or other support to a Requesting Organization made by GSK to become a member, based on pre-established and recognized membership classification, categories or levels, according to the organization by-laws, charters or guidelines, and where funding amounts or fees matches the Organization’s established levels of support and where membership is open and available to other entities besides GSK.
Corporate memberships in scope of GDSC are open and available to other entities besides GSK and there is no expectation of return in terms of public policies/influence on public policies for GSK. A specific request FORM I is used, as corporate memberships are usually solicited by GSK and there is no specific activity to describe.
PPG Corporate membership / Funding (OUT OF SCOPE of GDSC): sub-category of corporate membership, managed by Public Policy Group (PPG) for financial or other support GSK provides to a Requesting Organization to become a member, with expectations of return in terms of public policies/influence on public policies for GSK).
Monetary contribution to a meeting, production of educational material or other with educational purpose related to health topics. Medical education includes activities that maintain, develop or increase the knowledge, skills and professional performance and relationships that HCPs/OHS use to provide services for patients, the public or the profession. Independent Medical Education (IME) means Medical Education where GSK does not influence content, speaker faculty or audience selection, or participate in its delivery. GSK Vaccines has identified areas of interest with gaps in medical education related to disease areas where GSK has marketed products, as well as in general areas of vaccinology.
Funding aimed at supporting students' education and training, where GSK Vaccines funds not the individual himself or herself but the Requesting Organization or the program that awards the support. A selection process must be in place at the level of the organization without GSK Vaccines being involved in the selection process. NOTE: Only fellowships that are fully independent from GSK and take place elsewhere with just a financial support from GSK are in scope of GDSC. Fellowships that take place within GSK facilities, on GSK projects or which benefit for GSK are out of scope of GDSC.
Funding aimed at supporting a meeting not dedicated to science, research or health care
Funding aimed at supporting an educational, scientific, research, or health care project over a period of time (ex: research projects via PhDs, set-up of programs including several studies (protocols not yet defined) and advisory boards)
Funding aimed at supporting a meeting dedicated to science, research or health care - TRAVEL GRANT: specific funding program supporting travel, accommodation and / or registration fees ONLY, aimed at enabling attendance of HCPs / OHS ONLY to global/ international IME activities or scientific congresses (with a selection process in place, based on merit and / or need (in general participants from low-middle income countries)).
Funding aimed at supporting a permanent position / organization within a university or high school, dedicated to the teaching of a specific-fic discipline or course.
To be defined by the requesting organization
provision of new or salvaged equipment/material (including, but not limited to, IT, manufacturing, scientific, and analytical laboratory equipment or materials, subject to the respective business units or functional SOPs
donation of GSK vaccines not related to any commercial offer or to a GSK sponsored or supported research project, or compassionate use/named patient access program. Vaccine donations in response of emergency / disaster situations are under GSK’s Corporate Global Health Program responsibility (out of scope of Grants and Donations)
Non-financial support provided to an organization (i.e. use of GSK facilities for instance, time of GSK presenters, …)